Mr bean says: happy NEW year!
New year celebration was with parents @ bowling centre! Yst morning went shopping with momma and arrived home @ 8pm~. At 1st i wanna join lifeng and peeps for countdown @ esplande but i was really too tired. @10pm, i was suddenly full of energy and the family went bowling. The centre was really BURSTING with ppl! All the lanes were full but luckily dad was a member and we got the priority. Everyone got a GOODIE BAG. HAW HAW. I GOT 4. Everywhere was children's laughter, balloons and cheers. @ 1159pm, the staff off the lights and we began countdown. WHAT A DIFFERENT experience. HAW HAW.

The cleaners are gonna have a hard time cleaning up! HAW HAW

As i scanned thru' some blogs, i realised that many ppl reflected on the past year happenings. However, i don't look back, i look ahead. Notice that i bold the NEW. Hence, i hope everyone would xiang qian kan and not kept wallowing in the past.
I finally realised that what i am hankering after in life is not material desires. I often complained to my mom that i have no handbags to bring out because 1) my Sembonia looked so worn out because mom carried it to the market, 2) my Tocco is too mature, and 3) my Fion is too small. However, at the instance when mum bought the Guess bag for me yst, I dont feel good at all. Instead i feel guilty, sinful, and insensible cos' I just splurged. Splurged= Buying things that you want and not need. I dont really know how to describe that kind of feelings but i dont feel good. Although i claimed that i want a Gucci bag, i doubt i really want it. It is probably due to liwanyu's rattling and pictures that how beautiful a Gucci bag is. However, i am glad that i didnt lose my goal in life. I bear in mind all the time. That dream of mine, i will make it come true.
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