Long long ago photos...
Okayy! I finally borrowed cable from wy.
204 outing + zhiying birthday celebration + movie excursion with wy
Chong HY is a cannibal.
Mily is sucha sweetie pie!
Those detestable fingers. haha.
My camo have frames! Buy CYBERSHOT!
A very happy funky fangqi:)

Constance was euphoric

Gorgeous ladies sitting opposite me. Btw we were at Cafe Cartel.
HAPPY HAPPY. Cos she's sitting beside me! HAHA


Zhiying Bdae celeb!

After that meal, me and xy proceeded on to buy zy her gift. We eventually decided on the hand lotion package in SASA cos the box was beautifully decorated with a ribbon.


Soon, we were all tired and as usual daphne had to buy smth from Mac so that we could sit down openly. .

Birthday girl with our gift!

At about 530pm, the 3 of them went home and I had to walk to the Allson hotel to find dad for a function dinner. As usual, I lost my way and had to ask for directions. The hotel was sort of beautiful, the food was good but I was bored to tears.

Washing bag show put up by wy
204 outing + zhiying birthday celebration + movie excursion with wy
I missed her so much that I couldnt help giving her a enormous hug outside Popular.
Mily lost a lot of weight and become prettier (though she is to begin with)! I bet this must be the result those mean porks in SA bullying her (as predicted by me and wy).

Constance was euphoric

Gorgeous ladies sitting opposite me. Btw we were at Cafe Cartel.

(see jeremy's face again. tell you is the same look as above)

Irony of that day: Rosie chua organized that gathering but she's not free.
Thanks to ROSIE anyway!
After that, me and mily went to take the shuttle bus to JE. Being awesomely nice and sweet as usual, she went ahead and took mrt to BUGIS with me before going home. (I was to meet zy, daph and xy).
After that, me and mily went to take the shuttle bus to JE. Being awesomely nice and sweet as usual, she went ahead and took mrt to BUGIS with me before going home. (I was to meet zy, daph and xy).

Zhiying Bdae celeb!

So i recommend this place to my NJ062!
Waffle with a Ben&Jerry scoop

After that meal, me and xy proceeded on to buy zy her gift. We eventually decided on the hand lotion package in SASA cos the box was beautifully decorated with a ribbon.
so being the one with the EXTRAODINARY HIGH IQ, I grabbed a membership form from the counter and wrote down these extremely creative words (with little help from xy who's born with a low IQ.HAHAHA)
OMG i am so impressed with myself


Soon, we were all tired and as usual daphne had to buy smth from Mac so that we could sit down openly. .

At about 530pm, the 3 of them went home and I had to walk to the Allson hotel to find dad for a function dinner. As usual, I lost my way and had to ask for directions. The hotel was sort of beautiful, the food was good but I was bored to tears.

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