My group members are retarded. yurui is spared cos i didnt manage to find a pic of her.

Kerry is the sh*t. GEES

More to come... stay tuned:)
It just baffles me nowadays to see how people can complicate the simplest issue of friendship.
There's actually a simple method to resolve any conflicts, depending on whether you are willing to leave aside your ego -to say a mere word of sorry. You don't have to be in the wrong to say sorry. If saying sorry makes everyone feel good, cheer your friend(s) up and put the whatever cold war to an end, why not? Do not be too calculative as to who is in the wrong and push the blame around because you're not perfect and so does you friend. You should always love them not beacuse you're a saint or a hypocrite, but because they are your friends.
Smart people make smart choices. Using a word of sorry in exchange for a perennial friendship is more than economical.
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