chan shu was reluctant to lose the "unglam queen award" to affair, so she...

ok. talk abt smth that makes my blood boil. Frankly speaking, i haven't been feeling angry for a long time ( so i ought to thank him for reminding me that i have such a emotion icon in me). I self-proclaim to be a tolerant person (and it's been agreed), esp towards my friends. It's not the first time i feel like blogging abt this utterly myopic and biased guy but i always managed to refrain myself from doing so lest it sparks off a guessing game. BUT I REALLY CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT PUT UP WITH HIS ACTS ANYMORE.
Who do you think you are? A very famous politician? A noble representative of your people? How dare you have the audacity to criticise and make all the nonsensical generalisations! How dare you go around sprouting malicious remarks and insensitive comments! Have you ever spare a thought for others? No, you don't. Why? Because you are so myopic, presumptuous, petty and well, childish. You don't even know what to say and what not to? Where are your manners and your courtesy? If you have succeeded in one thing, it would be hindering Singapore's efforts in creating a gracious and harmonious society. Please grow up please. Quit being a loser and disgrace yourself. Learn to be sensible, rational and sensitive. Mature is the word.
What's the point of having brawns when there's no brain? I feel apologetic for deeming such a person as a friend. It's an insult to my friends, and me.
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