This is gonna be a superrr long post. I am traumatised by the tonnes of pictures to be posted.

Class Outing

Designed by XL!


XL said that no posting of pics on our final product for fear of plagarism, so i create this fantabulously artistic heart-shaped trophy.

A lot of ppl (jojo and lengshan) comment that my mom is pwetty. hoho.




Class Outing


This is to show how curly XL's hair can be.

DRAWN BY ME: pig of perfection! (long lashes and a hot snort)

drawn by sher. so ugrry. tsk tsk

Friday, with the kids.

A lot of ppl (jojo and lengshan) comment that my mom is pwetty. hoho.
SATURDAY, with WY AND VVTAN!!!! We went to orchard and watched kung fu panda. Me and zhu were laughing hysterically at the pigs (esp those beating the drums and who have birthmarks on their faces). Speaking of a cosmopolitan society, all we saw was pigs+rabbits and "pole" had a duck as the father, how incredulously funny can this get.
Disclaimer: The following pics may caused nausea...........but pls continue anyway



VVtan's test:
1) At which age do you want to get married
erm... 28
2)Who is more important to you? Friends or boyfriend
3)Who is/are the person/people you trust most?
My parents and friends
4)Do you have enough confidence?
Other than CTs, yes
5)What would you do if you saw somebody abusing an innocent animal?
Call 999, cos i cant rmb SPCA's number.
6)Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
yes. refer to class blog pics
7) What is your goal for this year?
To pass CTs and promos.
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
erm... yes.
9) Have you ever broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
I dont rmb abusing anyone physically or verbally, except for wy and vvtan. but they are perfectly fine.
10) What feeling do you love most?
when ppl say that i've grown prettier or i'm pretty
11) If one day your best friend and boyfriend quarrel, who will you side?
Depends lor.
12) List out 5 of your best friends.
wanyu. ivy. emily. xingying. priscilla. (Hard choice cos I love most of my friends)
13) Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
Most, but not all sadly to say. I cant get along with certain ppl, but they're my frens anyway.
14) Do you like to hang out with friends?
like who doesnt, tsk tsk.
15) What/who do you think is/are most important in your life?
Health. parents. Friends. Romance. Ideal job. Money. (thats a lot hehe)
16) If you were on a ship, your mother and your boyfriend (been together for 2 years) were knocked out of the ship, you only have one life float, who would you throw it to?
My mom. I dont date guys who dunno how to swim.
17) If your boyfriend were to two-time you, what would you do?
Get wy to slap him, get emily to scold/nag at him and vvtan to punch him.
18) Do you like carrots?
19) Have you felt the true meaning of love?
yes. definitely.
20) What do you want to be when you grow up?
wait for A lvl results.
Remove 1 question from the above and add in one personal question.Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people.List them out at the end of the post.Notify them at their tagboard that they've been tagged.
21) Which animal do you like the most?
Pigs, esp those from the piggy family.
*I cant be bothered to tag*
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