A Painful day, yes.
supposed to catch Pirates with kiangee and ppl. BUT damn! this is what it happened:
went facial this morning. the beautician is recommended by momma's fren. she's nice and help me remove my acne. BUT IT IS SO PAINFUL CAN! she use some needle to poke and squeeze my face. I cringe and wince and nearly kick my momma. In the end when it finally ended, i was so tired from that excruciating pain that i had to skip the movie. sad life. my face is bit swollen and the lady says it takes 2-3 days to heal.
damn. how am i gonna face the public tmr for my dental appointment. luckily my dad is sending me. or else i will die. but my momma is planning to shop with me. oh my god. i feel like slapping rooney to vent my frustrations. haha.
everything do come with a price.

Paris is pretty, as in appearance.

Nicole Richie too.
ya, btw tannn, AYE and wangxue are playing some dumb sms "thing", meaning to use 1-letter short forms for sms. angyien wan me to blog a code. who can solve this 2 qs huh? winner gets sour power. haha.
1)s s l m.
2)i l t w t h i a g.
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