Before the photos, i shall present you the oh-my-god hilariously hilarious convo between me and vtann.
Vtann: y the hell did you say ayeo looks like a potato?
me: cos he's starchy. he got a beer belly. and potatos are very qin qie (amiable).
vtann: god. so you think a potato is very qin qie? y the hell would a potato look qin qie. it doesnt know how to talk.
me: laughing-
minutes later...
me: laughing hilarious.
vtann: laugh. what's happening this time?
me: my mum gave me a kiwi (fruit). i think kiwis are super funny! laugh
vtann: y did the hell would a kiwi look FUNNY?? i don't think a kiwi is supposed to look funny.
minutes later...
me: i blogging at 11. i call you later. you don't sleep till 1130 hor.
vtann: y leh?
me: cos i will be sleeping at that time and i want you to sleep at the same time as me.
vtann: fat hope. VERY fat hope.
I think i'm very imaginative when it comes to veggies and fruits. maybe i'm a watermelon in the past and i reincarnate to become a stone. and the queen somemore.

Apparently Lum dont want to appear on my blog

oh wells. tmr is man utd Vs chelsea. i hope i will be able to stay home to watch my darling CR. But i hope chelsea will win. i am so ironic. but chelsea is my SUPER FAVOURITE TEAM! but most prob i will be out. WEEKENDS ARE FOR FUN, CRAZE, RELAXATION AND SHOPPING. if not, y are they call weekends. but i study hard during weekdays lah. i think wangxue thinks this is super weird cos she does the opposite. but it doesnt really matter la.
Vtann: y the hell did you say ayeo looks like a potato?
me: cos he's starchy. he got a beer belly. and potatos are very qin qie (amiable).
vtann: god. so you think a potato is very qin qie? y the hell would a potato look qin qie. it doesnt know how to talk.
me: laughing-
minutes later...
me: laughing hilarious.
vtann: laugh. what's happening this time?
me: my mum gave me a kiwi (fruit). i think kiwis are super funny! laugh
vtann: y did the hell would a kiwi look FUNNY?? i don't think a kiwi is supposed to look funny.
minutes later...
me: i blogging at 11. i call you later. you don't sleep till 1130 hor.
vtann: y leh?
me: cos i will be sleeping at that time and i want you to sleep at the same time as me.
vtann: fat hope. VERY fat hope.
I think i'm very imaginative when it comes to veggies and fruits. maybe i'm a watermelon in the past and i reincarnate to become a stone. and the queen somemore.
This thing is call " la ru denoq".

I used to think teo jh is ok. but it doesnt really seem so.

I stole this photo from lizhuma's blog. Its funnnnnyyyy. emo looks super pathetic
STOLE from SHANA's blog

i think ferguson is very pragmatic and he has that foresight. if not, man utd would not have bought Tevez. i am really scared now. cos tevez is powerful and he can aid man utd a lot. PLS DO SOMETHING MOURINHO! but as long Robben stays, it wouldnt be too bad.
why cant they start EPL season aft Os. inconsiderate
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